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Retirement Planning and Pensions It is news to some, but not all, that outside of their home, their greatest investment is the cumulative value of their pensions.  There always seems to be much in the financial media about retirement planning – it’s increasingly unlikely that the...

Financial Advice - Green Investing On Friday 20th September, 4 million protesters worldwide took to the streets to demand action against the climate crisis. This was what may end up being the largest mass protest for action against the climate crisis in history. Yet, it began...

Income From Your Pension The introduction of pension freedoms has been a huge enabler for over-55s, allowing millions to draw income from their pensions flexibly. Pension freedoms offer the opportunity to transition into retirement by continuing to work with reduced hours beyond traditional retirement age.This emerging trend enables you...

What does political uncertainty mean for your personal finances?These are politically uncertain times.  The airwaves and internet bombard us with an endless procession of unpredictable politicians, lost down the rabbit hole that is Brexit and focussed more on partisan party lines and political careers than...

Average life expectancy has generally been increasing, and for the ‘sandwich’ generation, saving for their retirement is clearly a big concern – and with plans to contribute financially to support their children and parents, it’s perhaps no wonder.In a survey from the Association of Investment...