Author: Dominic Hennessy

Average life expectancy has generally been increasing, and for the ‘sandwich’ generation, saving for their retirement is clearly a big concern – and with plans to contribute financially to support their children and parents, it’s perhaps no wonder.In a survey from the Association of Investment...

Taking control over where your money is invested tax-efficiently  A new tax year is nearly upon us – and that means, for all diligent savers and investors, you should make sure that you take full advantage of your current Individual Savings Account (ISA) tax-efficient allowance.An ISA...

What power those who want to change the status quo? Homeowners, businesses, Banks and all lenders, big building firms, politicians have huge (combined) vested interest in a solid housing market, with little occasional volatility (creating buying opportunities) and increasing prices. First time buyers, the disgruntled and political revolutionaries want...